Friday, February 18, 2011


12:15 am. Sound asleep (or as sound as a mom is able) in my bed. I awake to the grumbling growl of Miss Daisy. Followed by ferocious barks and scratching at the door. Daisy is an unusually quiet dog as far as barking goes. She was probably 3 years old before we even knew she could, in fact, bark. So, needless to say, i shot straight up out of bed while Tom lay, still peacefully in dreamland. He is harder to wake than the dead. I am not kidding. I decide that i will brave it by myself and go see what is causing all the commotion. So i tip-toe down the hall and into the living room where Daisy is getting ready to break through the french doors to get outside. I turn on the light and scan the backyard. Nothing. I tell Daisy she is crazy and get back into bed. A minute later the grumbling starts again. This time i decide Tom needs to investigate. So i push him out of bed and follow him into the living room. Again we see nothing. So Tom opens the door and Daisy tears out to the back fence which nearly meets its end as she plants both front feet on it running full speed. And then it is clear. Trying it's best to balance on a now very wobbly privacy fence and stay clear of the mad dog below is Mr. Opossum. Yuck. I was praying that the thing had good balance because if it actually fell and Daisy got a hold of it i am afraid we would have had to let her have it. Those things are not the cutest of creatures from across a yard and i definitely don't want an up close view. With the mystery solved i headed back to bed and listened as Tom tried to convince Miss Daisy to come back inside for the next 5 minutes.