Monday, June 21, 2010

I'm a blogger now!

So, i have decided i am going to give this whole blogging thing a try. I love reading other peoples blogs and I hope to live up to some of the greats out there! For my very first blog i have to take you back for a moment. As long as i can remember i have dreamed of being a mommy. In this dream i had the perfect kids and we had nothing but fun all day long. Six years ago, little miss Haylee entered our lives. She was, in fact, perfect! We loved her so much and had so much fun with her, we decided we HAD to have another one of these perfect creatures! Along came Brayden who was also perfect! Somehow....all the perfectness with our two precious babies started getting hard. But that didn't stop us. Nope. We decided one more would be just what we needed and perfect little Nathan was born. This is when all heck broke loose! My dreams of "nothing but fun all day long" became temper tantrums, diaper changes, potty training, never ending laundry, never the right food, waking up 14 dozen times a night, hitting, pushing, screaming...i think you get the picture. Hear me now, i love my kids with everything that i am but it is not always....well perfect. It is hard to try and balance the fun with the discipline and responsibility of raising these little people to be happy, healthy, secure people. Those of you who know me are probably very much aware that i am no stranger to Facebook. Yes, i probably spend way too much time on it but that is a blog for another day. Anyhow, I have often read the statuses of people talking about how much fun they had with their kids doing this or that and how great life is and sat thinking...."i barely made it through the day without dropping one of mine off on somebody's doorstep". I am just being real here. Having 3 kids all 2 years apart can be exhausting as i am sure many of you know. The early years demand a lot because these little people that have been entrusted to us are completely reliant on us. I have been thinking lately, though, how unfair of a judgment i have placed on myself because of nothing more than a glimpse into a single moment of someone else's life. I would bet that everyone else has some of the same struggles we just don't always see that side of people making us feel alone in our chaos. I have said all that to say this. We have recently hit an age in our kids where i am starting to see a light at the end of all the chaos. My kids are getting to the age where we can do some of the things i have always envisioned we would do but the reality of baby capabilities has limited for the last several years. They are becoming a little bit more self sufficient making more time for all that fun i was planning on having with them. And they are absolutely hilarious. I couldn't have handpicked their personalities any better. It fills my heart with such joy to watch them play and talk with them and hear the ways their little minds work. It makes all the chaos of "baby days" worth it. I am not saying i didn't have any fun until this point because that would be completely inaccurate. We had fun and love and laughter all mixed in with a bunch of work!! And i am not saying we wont have days ahead that are hard and full of work because i am smart enough to know that we will. Life is full of seasons and right now we have entered a great one where we can sit back and enjoy the ride for a while and that is what i plan to do.


  1. I love it! Can you come write for me some? I love you! It's great! Keep it up!

  2. Great Blog!! I only have 2 children and I feel the same way! Although some days I think just one more baby but then I realize we are seeing the light at the end of the tunnel too! Also good to know that I am not the only one who wants to drop my kids off somewhere some days :)

    Amber Tuyo

  3. This is from Carrie Harris: That is such a great start to your blog series! Honesty is the best thing to hear from another mom! We are all going through this thing together! I like that Steven Curtis Chapman song where he says we are making a difference "one heartbeat at a time", I have to tell myself that alot cause it sometimes doesn't feel that way! I have made these super big shoes to try and fill for myself as a mother and I am never hitting the mark! It get very disheartening, but I just have to take it one second at a time! Look forward to reading more:)

  4. Thanks yall for reading and the sweet comments! I have e feeling i could really like this blogging business! If you have your own blog send me the address so i can follow.

  5. Sounds to me like you're just about ready for another little person to grace your life. I love reading your posts and am so excited that you now have a blog I can entertain myself with as well. You've always been a great one with words so keep it up. I absolutely love it!
