Saturday, June 26, 2010

When ya gotta go ya gotta go.....

After a day of playing in our front yard water park it was time for naps. We got everyone inside and told them to get out of their swimsuits and get ready for nap. Not sure what I was doing when i hear Haylee yell from the bathroom..."he just peed on me!!" My first thought was she got too close to the toilet and got a little splash. Those of you with little boys know, you ALWAYS give a good 4 foot buffer between you and the little man and his little water gun. Or at least i think this happens to everyone. Brayden can be using the bathroom and get distracted and spray the whole room before he realizes it. He just doesn't have time to stand still that long!! Anyhow, Tom and I hurry to the bathroom to find Haylee now standing in front of the toilet dripping with...well pee. Brayden is also standing there looking torn between being proud of himself for his achievement and being worried that he was about to be in trouble. Wisely, he chose the second and immediately started his explanation which went a little something like..."i had to go sooo bad. I couldn't wait. It was an accident. blah blah blah". Turns out Haylee was actually using the bathroom when in comes Brayden with a full tank that just couldn't wait. I have to give her credit for handling the situation with MUCH more grace than i probably would have had i been in her shoes. After Tom finished threatening his life if he ever peed on someone again, we got everyone in bed and we had a nice little laugh about the whole scene! What else can you do???


  1. OH. MY. GOODNESS. I wouldn't have survived. At the very least, had i been Haylee, I'd have smacked him pretty hard in self defense. That is a nightmare.

  2. I totally laughed....having boys of my own.....
